Audi Replacement Key Program

If you do not have a VSC and Passcode, please Click Here to find out how to obtain your VSC and Passcode.

For help with your Vehicle Security Credentials (VSC) please contact the NASTF Vehicle Security Professional help desk at

Independent Workshop Procedure for Obtaining Replacement Keys and Key Adaptations

**NOTE -- California Vehicle Security Professionals please read below

By entering the information above, I confirm and agree to the following statements. I am a registered Vehicle Security Professional in good standing with the National Automotive Service Task Force (NASTF) and have been hired by the motor vehicle registered owner and/or the registered owner�s family member to produce a replacement key or other functionally similar device that will allow the vehicle to be entered, started, and operated. I am requesting the information in accordance with SB 1542 from the vehicle manufacturer in order to produce the requested key or other functionally similar device. I have in accordance with Section 466.6 of the Penal Code (for California NASTF vehicle security professionals), visually verified the identity of the requesting party through that party�s driver�s license and the registration of the vehicle. I also attest the driver�s license and registration matches the requesting party�s identity and address (last name and address if family member of the registered owner) and have visually verified the vehicle identification number printed on the vehicle does matches with the vehicle identification number on the registration. I have signed an affidavit stating the visually verified information and filed the affidavit along with the work order required by Section 466.6 of the California Penal Code.